14. CODE: Write FindNeighbor

Write FindNeighbor

L4 Before FindNeighbor

In this exercise, modify route_model.h and route_model.cpp to add a RouteModel::Node method FindNeighbor. The goal of FindNeighbor is to return a pointer to the closest unvisited node from a vector of node indices, where the distance is measured to the current node (this). This method will be used later to help find all of the possible next steps in the A* search.

## To complete this exercise:

  1. Add a FindNeighbor declaration to the RouteModel::Node class in route_model.h. This method will only be used later in another RouteModel::Node method to find the closest node in each Road containing the current node, so FindNeighbor can be a private method. FindNeighbor should accept a vector<int> node_indices argument and return a pointer to a node: RouteModel::Node* type.
  2. In route_model.cpp define an empty FindNeighbor method. At this step, compile the code using make to check that your method declaration and empty method definiton have matching signatures.
  3. Within the FindNeighbor method, loop through the node_indices vector to find the closest unvisited node. To do this, start with a pointer Node *closest_node = nullptr, and then update closest_node as you find closer nodes in the loop. The following will be useful:
    • For each index in the loop, you can retrieve the Node object with parent_model->SNodes()[index].
    • For each retrieved Node in the loop, you should check that the node has not been visted (!node.visited) and that the distance to this is nonzero. In other words, you want the closest unvisted node that is not the current node.
    • The RouteModel::Node::distance method can be used to find the distance between two nodes.

## Pseudocode:

The FindNeighbor method, given a vector<int> node_indices:

  1. Create a pointer Node *closest_node = nullptr

  2. Declare a temporary Node variable node

  3. For each node_index in node_indices

    1. Set node equal to the parent_model->SNodes()[node_index]

    2. If the distance from this to node is nonzero, and the node has not been visited:

    3. If the closest_node equals nullptr, or the distance from this to node is less than the distance from this to *closest_node:

      • Set closest_node to point to the address of parent_model->SNodes()[node_index].
  4. Finally, return the closest_node.

Note: there will be no new tests for this method. The method is private, and will be used as a helper function in a public method in the next exercise.


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    export CXX=g++-7
    export CXXFLAGS=-std=c++17
    cmake_tests() {
    /usr/local/bin/cmake -DTESTING="NodeDist" "$1"
    export -f cmake_tests


Find Neighbor